Southern Strategic Land is bringing forward high quality plans for much needed new housing on a key strategic site in Broadmayne, Dorset. The approx. 34-acre site is located to the west of Broadmayne village centre, just south of Broadmead and the A352. The site is of an irregular shape and mature field boundaries dissect the land into two fields.
The proposal intends to transform the site into a pleasant and enjoyable place to live that complements and respects the existing properties and setting of Broadmayne. The proposal will positively contribute to the character of Broadmayne and its surrounding, whilst helping to meet the identified shortfall of housing for local people in Dorset.
Ahead of submitting a planning application to Dorset Council, Southern Strategic Land has organised this public engagement event for you to view and comment upon the plans. Local shopping area - m Recreational leisure facility ain street First school Land Adjacent to Broadmead, Dorchester DT2 8EE Photographs of The Local Area Introduction Key Bridleway Site Boundary Main Street Recreational Leisure Facility Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Village Centre Main Street Weymouth 8.5km Dorchester 4km Recreation/ Leisure facility Local Churches First School The southeastern field is bound on three sides by existing residential properties. It is bordered on its north eastern boundary by a publicly adopted highway called Broadmead.
The northwestern field slopes down towards the A352, which borders its northeastern boundary.
The two fields are separated from each other by a line of mature trees that occupy the highest ridge of the site. To the south of these trees runs the Old Drove bridleway.
Southern Strategic Land is a partnership between M&G Developments, a residential developer with 30 years’ experience throughout Dorset and beyond, and Logical Land, a company owned by Paul Brocklehurst, former CEO of Catesby Estates plc, one of the UK’s foremost strategic land promotion companies.
We deliver attractive, well designed planning permissions in sensitive settlement edge locations. Alongside our professional team, we use our expertise to address the constraints and embrace the opportunities that planning and development presents. As a strategic land promoter, we do not build sites ourselves, rather we deploy our expertise and funds to achieve planning permissions that are immediately deliverable by trusted housebuilders. We enable the delivery of much needed new homes. We always work closely with local communities and housebuilders to ensure that we provide the right mix of homes for a particular area and achieve a planning permission that can be built out unaltered.
We believe passionately that new development done well can create a better quality of life, generate more cohesive communities and contribute towards healthier lives for all.
Our objective is to transform this site into a pleasant and enjoyable place to live that complements and respects the existing properties and setting of Broadmayne. This will be achieved through the introduction of high quality homes and generous recreational spaces. The proposal will positively contribute to the character of Broadmayne and its surroundings, whilst helping to meet the identified shortfall of housing for local people in Dorset.
Bound on three sides by existing housing, the southern field can be considered an ‘infill’ site for the village.
A landscape-led approach will be taken to development, with substantial areas of public open space provided to break up the areas for new homes. The green areas will create a pleasant pedestrian route that connects the new Country Park in the northern field to the rest of the village.
An oval-shaped village green is proposed to create a focal point for the new homes. 20 new allotments are proposed for the easternmost corner, softening the frontage with Broadmead. To the north, further green space will be provided as a buffer between the bridleway and the mature tree belt on the ridge. Throughout, small trees will be included, particularly around private drives, to further soften the development.
Housing mix is currently being refined, with predominantly 2 and 3 bedroom family homes proposed and just a small number of 4 bedroom houses. A small number of bungalows will be provided on the boundary with Broadmead. The policy-compliant level of 35% affordable tenures will be provided as an absolute minimum.
The landscape-led approach continues into the northern field, which will contain a Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space (SANG) in the form of a Country Park. The purpose of SANG is to relieve pressure from the surrounding heathlands by giving local residents an attractive alternative to enjoy recreationally for dog walking, picnics and so on. The new Country Park will present an opportunity to enhance biodiversity in the village and promote ecology.
A 2.5km circular walk will be provided, giving local residents the opportunity to enjoy the setting of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in an area that would otherwise be inaccessible private land. A small, free-to-use car park will also be provided ensuring accessibility for all.
The provision of SANG land is secured by a binding legal agreement with its ownership transferred to either Dorset Council or a wildlife trust in perpetuity. Its upkeep is paid for by a financial contribution from the developer.
The road network within the new development will be provided to adoptable standards to create a safe, high-quality living environment.
A dedicated parking area is provided for the Country Park, enabling good access for existing village residents without adding to parking pressure within the new development.
Away from the site, we recognise that pedestrian and highways routes throughout the village could be improved. A plan showing potential off-site improvements is provided opposite. These will be subject to further engagement with the Local Highways Authority.
Combined with off-site improvements, the network of green spaces throughout the new development will provide and encourage pedestrian access to the new Country Park from the village.
Drainage tests have been undertaken, which establish good drainage characteristics (the ground being predominantly of a chalk formation) allowing on-plot soakaways to be provided to each new home. Surface water run-off calculations will be carried out in order to specify the exact volume of soakaways required to dispose of surface water from the new development itself. The new development will not increase the existing surface water flows as it is able to manage its own run-off entirely within the development.
The Dorset Council Flood Investigation Report (August 2020) indicates existing issues with the highways gullies in Broadmead being connected to the foul sewerage network. It is proposed that these are disconnected and redirected to a new below-ground soakaway with excess capacity within our site. In addition, some excavation can be done in the southern green space to provide storage capacity for the existing surface water flows, releasing it only when the severe weather event has passed.
Drainage investigations to date indicate that the drainage strategy for the new development can provide betterment for the surrounding properties and improve the situation for those on Rectory Close and Littlemead during flood events.
We are providing a commitment to build to the 2025 Future Homes Standards, which means that there will be no need to service the site with gas. It will be an all-electric development, making use of renewable energy.
We are presently making enquiries of Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks as to the infrastructure upgrades that will be required to support this. The upgrades will be implemented as a matter of course.
Enquiries are also presently being made of Wessex Water as to existing capacity in the foul sewerage network.
The new development will aim for the highest levels of sustainability to address Dorset Council’s Climate Emergency. The homes will be some of the first to meet the Government’s full Future Homes Standard (FHS).
The FHS will be implemented in 2025 and will require all new homes to reduce CO2 emissions by at least 75%, against the level that current building regulations require. The new development will align with this before it becomes a national requirement using an all-electric strategy to make the development Net Zero Ready.
There will be no gas installed and Air Source Heat Pumps will be used to provide heating and hot water. Residents will have the option of living Net Zero by purchasing renewable electricity. The following measures will be in place:
Broadmayne’s demographics are illustrated below. Children and young people only account for 15% of the population, whilst those 65+ account for 33%. This contrasts with national averages: 19% for children and young people and 18% for over 65+.
The mix of homes will increase the quantity and quality of properties available in the village for young families, encouraging and enabling them to stay in the village. More than one third of the development will be provided in classic affordable housing tenures (shared ownership and affordable rent), whilst the mix containing a majority of modest 2 and 3 bedroom homes will improve affordability in general.
We would be very keen to hear your feedback, thoughts or questions about the site, please leave your comments below.
Once the details of the plans are published you will be able to leave your comments about the proposals on-line or download a copy of the feedback form.
If you have a question or require further information, please get in touch:
FREEPHONE: 0800 121 4890
FREEPOST: Just write 'Freepost YOUR FEEDBACK' on the front of your envelope, no stamp is required.